The corridors of power of Irish Government seem eerily quiet on this Monday morning on a day when farmers from all over Europe, including many from Ireland, have gathered in Brussels to protest at the signing, against the wishes of the farming communities of many EU Member States, of the Mercosur deal by the EU Commission last Friday that will allow for vast quantities of sub standard South American beef to be imported into the EU and thereby hitting Irish beef producers & farmers to the tune of €50 million per annum in lost revenue.
Independent Irish MEPs and Independent TDs are in Brussels today (9th December) to show their support for the Irish farmers and yet, as is also so often the case regarding the Irish fishing industry, the Irish Government are strangely muted and, aside from a comment or two last week, appear to be avoiding any kind of real challenge against the EU Commission on this (or any other) issue.
It is also noticeable that, again similar to the ongoing crisis Irish fishing industry largely due to an unjust management system by the EU Commission, today’s protests in Brussels is hitting the news on Sky, BBC and a host of other media outlets and yet, not a mention of it on the news website of Ireland’s ‘State broadcaster’ RTÉ… no surprise there then from what is in reality a government PR machine.
Irish fishermen could tell the Irish farmers exactly what its like to be losing €50 million per year due to EU Commission rule as this has been the case in the Irish fishing sector for decades and looks likely to continue, if not worsen, for the foreseeable future